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Sunday 9th March 2025 – First Sunday in Lent

Writer: St James DandenongSt James Dandenong

REFLECTION: Luke 4:1-15 “Resisting Temptation”

What will Lent look like for you this year? Will you experience victory over temptation and fast successfully or give up successfully what you have proposed to give up? What will you do differently this year so that you might grow spiritually and in holiness? In our reading today we see how Jesus deals with the different temptations that the devil uses to try to tempt him, and we look at what we might learn from his example. Firstly, though, we look briefly at the character of the tempter.

1. Who is “The tempter”?

a. Known variously as The Devil and as Satan (2, Matthew 4:10).

b. A liar & a murderer. (John 8:44)

c. An accuser (Rev. 12:10)

2. What is the temptation that he brings:

a. The temptation to seek satisfaction by giving in to our desires (1-4).

b. The temptation to take the easy road and avoid suffering (5-7).

c. The temptation to sell your soul to gain success in this life (8-10)

3. How can we resist temptation?

a. Put on the full armour of God (4, 7, 10, Ephesians 6).

b. Resist the devil & he will flee from you (11, James 4:7)

c. Learn contentment and the sufficiency of God.

To think about: If the devil preys upon our weakness and our desires, where is he most likely to try and tempt you? Where is the weakest spot in your spiritual armour?


TIS 231 At the name of Jesus

Jesus strong and kind

TIS 578 How firm a foundation

TIS 570 Soldiers of Christ arise

JUMBUNNA PRAYER DAYS Our Jumbunna region is holding three Prayer afternoons with the intention of praying for God’s blessing over our region and with a particular focus on the Hope 25 activities and the election of the New Archbishop. These will be held from 3pm to 6pm on Sunday 9th March at St Pauls Ringwood, Sunday 16th March at St Stephen’s and St Mary’s Mount Waverley, and Sunday 23rd March at St Paul’s Frankston. A team from St James’ will be leading the prayers at St Paul’s Frankston at 5pm.

BUILDING FUND Since launching our appeal to raise the remaining $300,000 required for the building, we have now received $89,526. The building works are expected to finish in September but there will still be fencing, landscaping and some fit-out work to do after that. We need to raise another $210,000 over the next six months. Please join with us in asking our generous God for his provision. I also invite us all to consider prayerfully if there is some further support we can give to this project which will be a source of blessing for us and for many future generations.

BUILDING SITE - PLEASE NOTE The construction zone is now a secure area and no one is to enter past the temporary fencing without permission from the builder and all the proper safety gear and a site orientation.

WEDNESDAY NIGHTS The Alpha course resumes this Wednesday and we start also the Hope 25 Lenten study which will be led by Marien and Jane. All are welcome for a 6:30pm shared meal in the hall followed by the studies at 7:30pm.

READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 16th March: Genesis 15. 1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3. 17-41; Luke 13. 31-35

LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 8th of March – Oyem & Rob.

THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Natasha, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine, Rebecca, Ken, Jim, Monty, Noel, Ashleigh, Mervyn, Sophie, Ursula, Doreen, Gay & Tauren



Address:53 Langhorne Street, Dandenong VIC  3175 | Phone: 03 9793 0219 | Email:
Copyright © St James' Anglican Church Dandenong, 2021
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