REFLECTION: 2 Samuel 1:1-27 “Grieving the Dead”
It’s always a dilemma to know how to respond to passages such as this one when it
comes up in our set readings. We understand that all scripture is inspired, but not all
scripture should be read as instruction or guidance. Some parts of the Old
Testament are not there for us to imitate, but rather, as a warning not to go that
way. Saul was never put up as an example to follow, but rather, as an example of
pride and disobedience. Saul even became very antagonistic towards David, the
small boy that God chose to replace him. God chose David because of his willing,
obedient heart, and this upset Saul greatly that he tried on several occasions to kill
David. You would think then that when Saul finally dies, that David might be
happy or at least relieved, but this is not the case with David. Let us look at this
story of tragedy and grief and see what we can learn from it:
1. Bearing Sad Tidings:
a. How do you tell someone a loved one has been killed? (1-5)
b. When you hear such news, don’t kill the messenger! (14-16)
2. Dealing with the dying:
a. Is it ever right to take a life? - ‘Come here and kill me! (9)
b. I killed him, because I knew that he would die anyway (10).
3. Honouring the dead
a. No-one is to gloat – don’t tell his enemies! (20)
b. Praise for the soldier’s bravery (25)
c. Grief for their loss (26)
To think about:
How have you honoured someone after their passing?
TIS 223 How sweet the name of Jesus
MP 1122 We are a moment
TIS 211(ii) Jesus lover of my soul
TIS 154 Great is your faithfulness
As a memento of this celebration, a very smart red is for sale at $2.00 each
during morning tea. Please purchase one, two or more with money going towards
the Building Fund.
As we begin works on the new building, we put out the call for all of us to
prayerfully consider how we can help with this project which will be of great
benefit to our church and to future generations. We are still needing to raise a
considerable amount. The building fund account is listed at the end of the Pew
Meets each Wednesday in the Supper Room at 7:30. Marien is currently leading us
through a study of the Book of Hosea and the way Hosea is used in the New
Testament. We would love to see you come along.
Continue today at 12 midday in the vicarage.
On Sunday 28th of July we will be having a special 10am Patronal Day
160th Anniversary service with the Archbishop. There will be no 8am service that
day. There will be confirmations in the service and the service will be followed by
a brief turning of the sod and blessing of the building project for the new Parish
Centre. After church there will be a catered lunch in the Parish Hall. Please buy
tickets in advance. The lunch will have a cost of $35 for adults and $10 for
CMS MELBOURNE DINNER is coming up at the Malvern Golf Course on
Saturday July 20th. See details on the CMS Victoria website or speak to Graeme
and Jane.
Has been delayed until early July due to delays with permits.
PRAYER DAY: Churches from across our Jumbunna Episcopate will be gathering
for prayer at Glen Waverley Anglican Church from 8am to 6pm on Saturday July
27th. Different parishes will be leading the prayers in half hour segments. More
information to follow.
TALKS ON DANIEL. Bishop Paul Barker will be leading a series of three talks
called “Faith under Trial”. He will be speaking at Glen Waverley Anglican Church
but the talks will be livestreamed. They will take place on July 17, 24 and 31 at
7:30 pm. Our Wednesday group will be watching the livestream then talking about
it afterwards in the Supper Room.
Missing a Watch? A watch was handed in last Sunday. If it’s yours, see the vicar.
READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 7th July: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 5.1-5, 5.9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12.2-10; Mark 6.1-13
LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 6th July – Heinz & Vic
Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Sylvia, Lila,
Arthur, Fay, Natasha, Betty, Rosalind, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine, Rebecca,
Ken, Jim & Margaret.