2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2 “Glory Revealed”
Can we see God? In Old Testament times God was hidden from his people who could not behold his glory because of their sinful hearts. But in the New Testament, God’s glory is revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ. The veil is lifted so that we might see God. He does this through his death on the cross for our sins, taking our sins away, and opening a way for us to enter Gods presence. Kike Moses reflected the glory of God after leaving the tent of meeting, so should our faces reflect the glory of Christ. May he shine in us. Here is an outline of this Sunday’s message from 2 Corinthians 3 and 4.
1. Under Moses and the Old Covenant – A veiled glory
a. Veiled faces (13)
b. A fading glory (13)
c. Veiled minds (14-15)
2. Through Christ and the New Covenant – A glory revealed.
a. Uncovered faces (3:16-17)
b. An ever-increasing glory (3:18)
c. We live in the full light of truth (4:1-2)
To think about:
What do you think? At what moment in your life is the glory of Christ most visible in you?

TIS 143 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
TIS 675 Shine Jesus Shine
TIS 212 Christ whose glory fills the skies
TIS 132 Holy, holy, holy
Our Jumbunna region is holding three Prayer afternoons with the intention of
praying for God’s blessing over our region and with a particular focus on the
Hope 25 activities and the election of the New Archbishop. These will be held
from 3pm to 6pm on Sunday 9th March at St Pauls Ringwood, Sunday 16th March at St Stephen’s and St Mary’s Mount Waverley, and Sunday 23rd March at St Paul’s Frankston. A team from St James’ will be leading the prayers at St Paul’s Frankston at 5pm.
This Tuesday we meet in the Parish Hall at 6pm to share a delicious pancake meal. Please indicate you attendance on the green sign up sheet in the foyer. There is no cost but please bring either a savory or sweet topping for the pancakes. There will also be some singing and a short reflection.
Will be March 5th. There will be Ash Wednesday services with imposition of
ashes at 10am and 7pm. The Wednesday Growth Group and Alpha course will
not be on that night.
CONFIRMATIONS/ALPHA We will be starting the Alpha Course on Wednesday Nights in the Parish Hall on Feb 12th with a meal at 6:30 and the course at 7:30. We will be having a shared meal with the people from the Wednesday growth group then dividing into separate groups for the study. The Alpha course will be the preparation for those seeking confirmation but it can be attended by anyone wanting to discover more about Christian faith. Please speak to Graeme if you would like to participate. It goes for about 10 weeks.
The construction zone is now a secure area and no one is to enter past the
temporary fencing without permission from the builder and all the proper safety gear and a site orientation.
WOULD YOU LKE SOME WOOD? We have quite a lot of old wooden posts and planks from our demolished fencing. Some of it is treated pine and not suitable for burning inside but you may have a use for it in your garden or for wood for a camping trip?
CONGRATULATIONS to Clovis and Dolinza Bignoux on their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
MONDAY MEALS on this Monday.
READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY 9th March: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Romans 10:4-13; Luke 4:1-15
LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 8th March – Heinz & Rusty
THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Red Door Caroline Springs; The Diocese of Bendigo; Christ Church Grammar School; The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; Upper Yarra Anglican Parish–Pastoral service; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.
THIS WEEK WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Anthony, Nisha, Mike, Cecil, Ruth, Eva, Charles, Nigel, Jen, Ted, Natasha, Patty, Melenny, Shereen, Lorraine, Rebecca, Ken, Jim, Monty, Noel, Ashleigh, Mervyn, Sophie, Ursula, Gay & Tauren.