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Sunday 26th January 2025 – Third Sunday After Epiphany

Writer's picture: St James DandenongSt James Dandenong

REFLECTION: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 “Living as the body of Christ”

What is the nature of the church? Are we just another community group? Is there any difference between the Church & Probus, or between the Church and the Bowls club? There is a phrase that we say together every week which basically answers this question. It goes like this. “We are the Body of Christ – His spirit is with us”. Humanly speaking we may seem like just another organization or club, but we are a body that has been put together by God himself. Christ is the head of this body & the Holy Spirit unites us, dwells in each one of us, & shows us our place in the body. The Spirit gives us a place in the body and gifts with which to serve the Lord and the Church. Let us use these gifts in the most excellent way, the way of love. Here is an outline of this morning’s message.

1. There are many parts but one body (12-20)

a. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body (12-13)

b. The body does not consist of one member but of many (14-17)

c. God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose (18 20)

2. Like the parts of a body, we need each other (21-27)

a. We can’t say to each other “I have no need of you” (21-22)

b. Those members of the body that we think less honourable we clothe with greater honour (23-24)

c. We should all have the same care for one another (25-27)

3. And God has appointed in the church (28-31)

a. First, apostles (28)

b. We can’t all be first, or have what we want (29-30)

c. We should all seek the still more excellent way (31)

To think about:

What is my role in the body of Christ?


TIS 454 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

MP 1213 O Church arise From heaven you

TIS 256 From heaven you came

TIS 456 Your hand O Lord has guided


A reminder that we will be having a service of confirmation with Bishop Paul Barker on the 11th of May. Candidates need to do the preparation course (Alpha) which will begin in late February. Please speak to Graeme if you are interested.


Will be resuming on Wednesday 5th of February. Marien will be leading some studies based on the theme of Creation in the Psalms. After these four weeks, we will begin the Hope 25 Lenten studies. Hope 25 Lenten Study Books are available from Graeme for $10.

GARDENING AND GROUNDS WORK We have many gardening and maintenance jobs that are piling up. We are extremely grateful to Rusty Nicholls who has taken on so much but we need more helpers. If you can spare a few hours, we would love to hear from you. Speak to Rusty or Graeme. We are particularly keen to find someone who is good at building stone walls or working with mortar. We have a lot of bluestone edging to do in the main carpark area.

CONGRATULATIONS TO GWYNN Who will be turning 100 on the 1st of Feb. We will be celebrating with her this Sunday with a blessing in the church and a special morning tea in the hall.

WOULD YOU LIKE SOME WOOD? We will be pulling down sections of the old vicarage fence over the next few days and there will be a number of palings and fence posts that we need to dispose of. If you can use them, please contact Graeme. READINGS FOR

NEXT SUNDAY 2nd Feb: Malachi 3. 1-4; Psalm 24; 1 Hebrews 2.14-18; Luke 2.22-40


Oaktree Parish St Mary's Caulfield with St Clément’s Elsternwick; Religious Orders serving within the Anglican Church of Australia; The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria; St Thomas’ Burwood–Pastoral service; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.

LAWN MOWING ROSTER: 1st Feb – Oyem & Rob

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