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Sunday 24 October 2021 – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

Updated: Oct 22, 2021


When I was younger I had a pair of brown boots. They were my favourite boots and I wore them everywhere. I wore them at school, I wore them at home, I wore them playing with friends, running on the oval, riding my bike, fishing with my dad, I basically wore them everywhere. Eventually, they became old and scuffed. The polish had worn off the toe caps and you could see they had seen better days but I didn’t care, they were my old boots and I loved them. One day, I took off my boots and went to go do whatever an ordinary nine-year-old boy did probably climb a tree or something. My Uncle found my boots while I was away. When I returned I looked everywhere for my boots but couldn’t find them. My Uncle presented me with a pair of brown boots, they looked clean, polished and basically brand new, they couldn’t have been mine. He told me that they were mine but I wouldn’t believe him. He gave me those boots but I refused them. I wanted nothing to do with them because they looked nothing like my good, old, loved, pair of boots. I think it’s often the case that when we stick with something for a long time that we grow to love it. We get used to its unique qualities, whether it be a coat, shoes, a hat, a car, whatever it might be, it becomes part of us as we use it and grow old with it. Eventually, it takes on a sentimental value that we all know but find hard to justify. It becomes part of the family in a sense and in this way old things can often be prized much more than new things. This was likely the case for the Jewish people when the writer to the Hebrews wrote to them. They had come to put their faith in Jesus and this had changed a lot of their old practices. The practices that they had grown up with and had learnt to love had now changed since they became followers of Christ. It was all very new and in some cases, this led people to turn back and maybe even reconsider the old ways. But as we will see in our passage (Hebrews 7:21-28), the old ways are not always the best ways.

1. The New and Better Way

2. The Eternal Intercessor

3. The Perfect Son


MP 673 There is a redeemer

All glory be to Christ

TIS 216 Rejoice the Lord is King


As Victoria has hit its vaccination target of 70% a little early and has relaxed restrictions a little more than expected, we are now able to open this Sunday. We will be offering short communion services at 8am and 10 am for the fully vaccinated capped at 20 people, and there will also be a service for those of vaccination status undeclared at 11:30am with a cap of 10 people. All who come must pre-book, wear a mask, and check-in with a QR code at the door. Please be early to allow time to be checked in. Please phone or email the office to make your booking. Additionally, we also are recording a service on Saturday which will be available for those at home. Stay tuned for more changes.


From last Friday, all workers, volunteer or paid, lay and clergy must have proof of at least a single dose of vaccine, or a firm booking of a first dose by 22 October, to do any permitted church work outside their homes. This applies to those assisting with essential food relief, vergers, servers, musicians, gardeners, those involved with broadcasting services, conducting and assisting at funerals, weddings and general church services.


Please email for the nomination form to nominate people for positions on Parish Council and Wardens. You will need to get their permission first and also have a seconder. They must be active in the Parish, be a member of the church, and have been in the church for at least 12 months.


Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, 21 November. For those of you who have reports to write for this year's annual report, please send them to: before Sunday 7 November. Please also pray about who you can nominate for Parish Council and for Wardens.


Our Parish AGM is coming up on the 21 November and as such, we need to update our Electoral Roll (this is different to the Parish Roll/List). If you are not on the roll and wish to be added, contact the office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and request an enrolment form. To be on the roll, you must be baptised, confirmed an Anglican or received as a member of the Anglican Church by a Bishop, and regularly and habitually attend public worship in this Parish.


We are in need of someone to help pick up, drive, and operate the shower truck in our ministry to the homeless on Monday mornings. You would need to be doubly vaccinated and be signed off for safe ministry (Working with Children etc). The truck only requires a normal driver’s licence and is automatic. The job involves cleaning and sanitizing the shower after each use and sharing with the folk who come for a shower and a chat. The time frame is from 9 am to 1 pm on Mondays. Please see Graeme if you can help.


We pray for those who are sick or troubled in body or mind, or who have special needs: (Please email or contact clergy for prayers for anyone who is in need of them).

This week we continue to pray for: Bethuel; Russell; Melanie; Mike; Mark; Hazel; Clovis; Shenae. Could those who have placed names in the Book for Prayers please update it by removing anyone who is no longer in need of special prayers. Alternatively you can email the office.

Thank you. We also pray for: The Extra Provincial Churches of the Anglican Communion; The Diocese of Perth; Girls’ Friendly Society; Holy Trinity Melbourne East; Church of the New Guinea Martyrs, Croydon South; Confirmation @ St Hilary’s Kew; Archbishop Philip and all our Bishops in their ministry this week.


30 October: David & Marg

6 November: Heinz & Vic

READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: 31 October, 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Ruth 1.1-18; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9.11-15; Mark 12.13-17, 28-34.

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